如何操作欧洲广告费退税? - 知乎

日期: 栏目:英超联赛 浏览:63 评论:0
如何操作欧洲广告费退税? - 知乎



  (1) VAT ratewould be of 0% for those businesses which advertise in a different country thanthe one on which their business is located and VAT ID belongs to. For example,if the VAT ID is from the UK and you advertise in DE/FR/IT/ES the VAT ratewould be of 0%.

  (2) If youadvertise in the same country as the country associated to your VAT ID andbusiness location, you would be charged for the percentage amount establishedin your country.




  然后找到你的 VAT 主登记号,点编辑,查看所在地址,如果是中国地址,直接去申请税费, 如果是欧盟地址,改为中国地址即可。

  2.申请退税路径 Selling on Amazon-VAT and Tax-Request a VAT Refund of Amazon fees

  Case 话术:不需要非常复杂,阐明你的 VAT 地址是中国,但是亚马逊却错误的收取了你的 广告税费,请亚马逊协助调查并退还税费即可

  开完 case 后,就开启漫长的等待时间,因为亚马逊会先调查,我们自开这个 case 到亚马逊 退还给我们花了半个月时间,中间催了两次。

  最后调查完毕回复 case 中会给你发一个类似退款的文件,包含收的每一笔税对应的金额, invoice No.等,下图为税务团队最终回复的邮件

  Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

  You have contacted us about an EU VAT miscalculation on your Sponsored Ads invoice(s). This issue has arisen because your account configuration had your UK VAT registration number asyour primary VAT number. We have determined that no UK VAT should have been charged on your Sponsored Ads invoices. We have credited and refunded any EU VAT charges incorrectly applied on your Sponsored Ads fees. The adjustment can be found on your date range report in Seller Central. To generate a date range report, follow these steps: 1. From the Reports menu, select Payments. 2. Select Date Range Reports. 3. Click Generate a statement. 4. In the Generate date range report pop-up box, proceed as follows: a. Select report type: Transaction b. Select reporting range: Month or Custom, and the specified date information c. Click Generate. Review your report in the list on the Date Range Reports page. Download and open the file in Excel. The adjustment will be found in the “other” column” with the “type” field description equal to “Adjustment.” I attached the report already filtered showing the refund amount for a faster access. You may have specific VAT reporting obligations in relation to these credit notes, so please consult your tax advisor. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and appreciate your patience.

  我们查询了后台日期范围报告--交易报告,确实都退回来了,后来又开 case 核实了下税费退 还的日期,是退的2021年全部的




